is a listing of some of the places online
clothes, artwork, stained glass, just about anything
Prices are from very reasonable to "oh my gawsh." If you know of any links we don't have here just send them in |
Handling Series
SHOW HANDLING I BASIC By Michael Kemp This tape helps the novice learn the basics of taking their first dog into the show ring. This tape is 1:00 long Price
$29.95 (Order Number SHK500)
SHOW HANDLING II ADVANCED By Michael Kemp This tape will take the new handler to the next level of presenting dogs in a professional manner in the show ring Price $29.95 (Order Number SHK501) This tape is 1 hour long Place orders by Phone 254-597-2258 FAX 254-597-2255 or by email
SHOW GROOMING THE COCKER SPANIEL VIDEO By Michael Allen Ms. Allen is a renown handler and breeder of Cocker Spaniels Price $39.95 (Order Number SGM114) Order by Phone 254-597-2258 FAX 254-597-2255 or by email